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Const AfterBlur

AfterBlur: Message = new Message("after-blur")

A message sent after a region has lost focus

Const AfterFocus

AfterFocus: Message = new Message("after-focus")

A message sent after the framework has marked a region as focused.


A region may be considered "focused" even when it has lost DOM focus- this is because the focus may have travelled to an opaque region of the page (such as an <iframe> element). Additionally, it is sometimes helpful to be able to switch between multiple tabs (such as a documentation page and a JupyterLab tab) and still being able to fire the focus-dependent layout actions, like Ctrl-E, P.

Const BeforeBlur

BeforeBlur: Message = new Message("before-blur")

A message sent before a region is about to lose focus.


This occurs when the framework has determined that another region should be focused instead, such as by user action.

Const BeforeFocus

BeforeFocus: Message = new Message("before-focus")

A message sent when the framework is about to focus a layout region.


before-focus events are sent immediately before the region is set to be focused by the framework, and may not line up 1:1 with related concepts like DOM focus or Phosphor's activate-request.'

Often this event is triggered by a focus DOM event on the region's subtree. Therefore, regions should not try to #focus() nodes as it might clobber the user's intended state.

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