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MavenWorks Layout

The MavenWorks layout engine is built off of Phosphor widgets and provides a useful set of containers for user-editable dashboards. Layout regions have a predefined set of properties, and use those properties for presentation.

Getting Started

Import the LayoutManager and whatever containers you might need:

import { LayoutManager, WidgetLayoutRegion } from "@mavenomics/layout";

Then, use that LayoutManager in a Phosphor widget:

class MyDashboard extends Widget {
    private layoutManager: LayoutManager;

    constructor() {
        this.layout = new BoxLayout();
        this.layoutManager = new LayoutManager();

Finally, to create a dashboard, setup your containers and add them to the layout root:

const myPart = new MyCoolWidgetPart();
const myRegion = new WidgetLayoutRegion(this.layoutManager, myPart, "some unique ID");

You should now see a dashboard with a single widget and a titlebar!

Serializing and Deserializing

To save dashboards, you can use the LayoutSerializer to convert to/from JSON.

Import it:

import { LayoutSerializer } from "@mavenomics/layout";

And use it in your class:

// Convert to JSON:
const model = LayoutSerializer.toJson(this.layoutManager.root);
// ...
// Load from JSON:

Defining your own layout regions

The base class of all layout regions is DashboardLayoutRegion, which is abstract. All regions have set of properties, and may have a content widget.

If you want to create a new container, such as a GridLayoutRegion, the RegionWithChildren class adds several methods for maintaining a set of children. The only constraint is that content must extend Phosphor's Panel widget.

Manipulating layout subtrees

To close a region and all it's children, simply #close() or #dispose() it and the framework will take care of the rest.

To move a region, either within the same node or to another node, call #addWidget() or #insertWidget() on the new parent region. You do not need to unparent it, the framework will again take care of this.

To iterate over the children of a region, containers expose a widgets property that has all the children as an array.

To get the parent of a layout region, use the parentRegion property. If parentRegion is null, that either means that the subtree is unattached or that the region is the root container.

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