
Queries and Bindings

Bindings are a lot more powerful than simply linking sliders together. The other types of bindings included by default on MavenWorks are:

MQL Queries

MQL is a SQL dialect that allows for significant flexibility and runs right in your browser. It comes with a number of built-in functions, and can reference globals in the query.

Hello Queries

Open a dashboard, and add a new SlickGrid with Alt+T. Then, edit this part’s query with Ctrl+E, Ctrl+Q (or by right-clicking on the SlickGrid and pressing “Edit Query”). You should see a dropdown and a code editor.

Binding editor

Enter the following query and hit OK:

    x, y
    Lattice('x = 1 to 10 step 1, y = 1 to 10 step 1')

The SlickGrid should now update with the query results:

SlickGrid with query results


In some SQL dialects, you can create a variable using a SET statement. MQL is no different:

SET @answer = 42

SELECT @answer FROM dual

dual is a built-in dummy database


Globals can be referenced in the same way. Create a global named MyGlobalAnswer, and set it’s value to 42.

Referencing globals in bindings

To reference a global, you can reference it as a normal variable. Just prepend the global name with an at-sign (@), like so:

SELECT @MyGlobalAnswer from dual

MQL will automatically detect these globals, and re-run your query whenever the global changes.

Alternate syntax

You can alternatively specify global subscriptions more explicitly, using a magic comment. These are block comments on the very first line of the binding that have a comma-separated list of globals preceeded by at-signs (@). These work regardless of what binding type you’re using. For instance, you could use this instead:

/* @MyGlobalAnswer */

SELECT @MyGlobalAnswer from dual

You shouldn’t normally need to use this format in MQL or JS bindings.

Now, change the query of the SlickGrid we created above to:


When you change the value of MyGlobalAnswer, the query will automatically re-run with the new value.

Column Expressions and Aliases

You can use arbitrary expressions in the SELECT statement:

    1 + x
    Lattice('x = 1 to 10 step 1')

If you want to rename them, use AS followed by the name. If you need to quote the name, use square brackets:

    42 as Answer,
    'hello' as [A simple string]



MQL supports SQL-style grouping:

    Lattice('x = 1 to 10 step 1')

Unlike most SQL dialects, MQL does not require all selected columns to appear in the grouping expression. This means that we don’t need to worry about the ‘test’ column above.


MQL also supports a hierarchal grouping mode that groups rows into aggregates. This grouping mode is powerful, and not unlike row pivoting available in other engines.

    Lattice('x = 1 to 10 step 1, y = 1 to 10 step 2')

Fetching Data

In MQL, you can fetch remote data over HTTP using the Fetch function. In the example below, we pull a CSV off of GitHub, cache it, parse it, and use it in a query.

set @data = StaticCache('my-data', Fetch(''))


A note on caching

It is good practice to cache the result of Fetch. This will make the query much snappier on subsequent runs, and reduce the impact of refreshing a query on a remote server. The StaticCache function does this, taking a cache key as the first argument and an expression to cache as the second. If the key is in the cache, the expression is not evaluated and the cached value is returned instead.

Javascript Bindings

The other binding type that comes with MavenWorks is a Javascript runner. Javascript is more complex than MQL, but also much more powerful. Javascript bindings can call out to MQL, and have access to a Table helper for working with MavenWorks tables.

Hello JS

In this example we’re going to write a very simple JS binding. Open a new dashboard, add a LabelPart (Alt+Shift+T), and edit it’s part properties with Ctrl+E, Ctrl+ P (or by right-clicking on the LabelPart and pressing “Edit Part Properties”).

Next to the “Value” property, change the dropdown to “JavaScript” and type in the following snippet into the text box:

return "Hello, " + "World! " + Math.random()

screenshot of the correct binding

You should see something like the following in your label part:

screenshot of the LabelPart

Function format

It may seem a little strange having a bare return there. A JS binding is actually the “body” of a function, not an independent script. This is done for security reasons, since it runs on your browser.

Referencing Globals

Referencing globals is similar to MQL (see the note on comment formats). The only difference is that globals are referenced with globals.<global name>.

For example, building off the example above, open the Globals Editor (Ctrl+G) and add a new global named “MyFoo”. Set the type to “String”, and set the value to “Gnorts, Mr. Alien”. Now, in the label part binding, enter the following:

return [...globals.MyFoo.replace(/[,\.\s]/g, '')]

You may find it a bit more ergonomic to use the ‘popup’ editor for this binding. Hover over the option with your mouse, and click on the triple-dot button to the right of the text box:

image of button

Press it to open a pop-up multiline code editor:

image of editor

You should now see the name of a famous astronaut in your label part.

Running MQL

JS bindings have access to MQL in a few different ways:

These have their uses, but usually you will want to use the mql tag detailed below.

mql Tagged Template

The “mql tag” is the most useful way of using MQL in JS bindings. It allows you to seamlessly integrate JS functions and MQL, giving you flexibility far beyond what query languages can normally offer.


In an empty dashboard, create a new SlickGrid (Alt+T) and edit it’s “query” binding (Ctrl+E, Ctrl+Q). Change the dropdown to “JavaScript” and enter the following:

function MySinFunction(_, colValue) {
    return Math.sin(colValue);

return mql`
    ${MySinFunction}(x) as [sin(x)]
    Lattice('x = -1 to 1 step 0.1')`;

You should see a table of X-values and their sines:

screenshot of slickgrid table

How it works

In the templater, you can place JS functions in between ${ and }. The first argument passed to the function is the row being operated on, and the rest are any arguments passed in the query. In the example above, MySinFunction is passed the x column, so that is given as the second argument.

JS Functions can appear anywhere an MQL function can; such as the SELECT clause, or the HAVING clause, or GROUP BY, or WHERE, or even in the FROM clause.

Literals and variables can also be passed using these template braces. For instance, the following works:

const foo = "Hello, MQL.js!"
return mql`
    ${foo} as [my constant]

The mql function is asynchronous, which means it returns a Promise. That means that if you want to use the result of an MQL query elsewhere in your javascript binding, you’ll have to await it to use the response. For example:

const tbl = await mql`SELECT null FROM dual`;
return tbl.rows[0].getValue(0);

RunMql Function

The RunMql function is simpler, and less flexible. You can use this to run a string as an MQL query, or to pass parameters into an MQL query without templating. For example:

const queryStr = "SELECT @myVal FROM dual";
return RunMql(queryStr, {
    myVal: "foo"