
Contributing to MavenWorks

Building from Source


MavenWorks consists of 4 targets, having the following codenames:

The “Standalone” app is a fully independent app that uses the full dashboarding framework, and provides additional UI and editor skinning.

The “Config Server” builds off the Standalone, adding a centralized server for saving and loading dashboards.

The “Viewer” is a Jupyter extension that adds an interactive, read-only Jupyter notebook viewer. Notebooks must contain at least 1 MavenWorks Dashboard, which will then be displayed as the notebook output. Viewer instances are given a live Jupyter kernel to work off, just as in JupyterLab.

The JupyterLab Extension adds a Dashboard cell output and an independent “Dashboard document.” The extension also adds Jupyter-specific tooling and integration, such as an additional option binding evaluator for Python.

Setup for the “Standalone MavenWorks” and “ConfigServer” targets

1. Clone the repository

git clone
cd ./MavenWorks

2. Install Dependencies


Note: This project uses Yarn Workspaces. Consequently, NPM is not supported.

3. Build the packages

yarn build
yarn bundle  # Bundles the Viewer, Mql Worker, and Standalone App

4. Run Standalone MavenWorks

yarn serve

Setup for “JupyterLab Extension” and “Viewer” targets

The JupyterLab extension is, by necessity, a bit more complex to setup. You’ll need to setup both the Python extension and the development bundles:

1. Install Python dependencies

2. Install the Python package in dev mode

pip install -e .

3. Enable the Jupyter server extensions

jupyter serverextension enable --py "mavenworks.server"

4. Setup the client build chain

First, open a new terminal, cd to your checkout directory, and run the following command:

$ yarn registry

This will start a private package registry named Verdaccio. Leave this terminal open in the background, and switch back to the terminal you were working in. This ‘registry’ always runs on http://localhost:4873, unless you configure it otherwise. You can open this URL in your browser, if you like.

Now, login to this private registry via npm:

$ npm login --registry "http://localhost:4873"

NPM will prompt you for a username and password. These really don’t matter, so set them to anything you like.

Then, we need to ‘publish’ our packages to Verdaccio:

$ ./bin/

Windows note

On Windows, use the following powershell script instead:

> ./bin/republish.ps1

Finally, tell Yarn to redirect “@mavenomics” to this private repo:

$ yarn config set "@mavenomics:registry" "http://localhost:4873"

You will only need to do these steps once, though sometimes you may wish to re-run the “publish” script.

$ jupyter labextension link ./packages/* --no-build
$ jupyter labextension unlink ./packages/metapackage --no-build
$ jupyter labextension unlink ./packages/app-standalone --no-build
$ jupyter labextension unlink ./packages/app-viewer --no-build
$ jupyter labextension unlink ./packages/config-server --no-build

If you don’t do this, JupyterLab will pull the packages off the NPM registry and won’t use your local checkout.

6. Build and Run JupyterLab

$ jupyter lab build
$ jupyter lab

File Watchers

To compile from MavenWorks source as it changes, use jupyter lab --watch after installing the extension. Jupyter will start a webpack watcher and launch the Lab interface.

Windows note

The file watcher described above is slow and unreliable on Windows. We recommend using the Standalone MavenWorks to iterate on your changes, as that will be faster and less prone to crashes.